Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The A Shields Photography Blog

The A Shields Photography blog is not a place where I will post lots of photos of clients from recent sessions - that's what I have facebook for. If you haven't "liked" our page yet go do it now so you can stay up to date with our current photos, contests, and more!

This blog is one that I think will really help you the client/consumer. Personally, I like to be an informed buyer so I run my business like that and try to help you make informed decisions too because these photos will be what your family has to remember you by many years from now. I try to help give you as much information as possible so you can understand as much about the photo session and about all the options you'll have.

Things I plan on posting about are:
The pros/cons of the different seasons in the panhandle for outdoor sessions, Print Release vs Copyright Release, Places to print at, Ratio/Cropping and how it will effect the photo, and more!

If you are an A Shields Photography client you will hopefully notice that I include some of this same info on your CD that I give you and on our website under "Helpful Tips." It won't be the exact same info though, I plan on helping explain things a little better on the blog then I have on the website.

 Helpful Tips

Start following our blog now so you will be able to keep up with all the great info that we plan on posting this year!